
Vice President

Tony Hale
CEO, Advertising Council, Australia
Board Members

Americas | ||
Brasil | Brazilian Advertising Association (ABAP) | abap.com.br |
Canada | Institute of Communications Agencies (ICA) | theica.ca |
US | 4A’s | 4as.org |
US | PR Council | prcouncil.net |
Asia/Pacific | ||
Australia | The Communications Council | advertisingcouncil.org.au |
Hong Kong | Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (HK4As) | aaaa.com.hk |
Malaysia | The Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia | aaaa.org.my |
New Zealand | Commercial Communications Council | commscouncil.nz |
Europe | ||
Europe | European Association of Communications Agencies – EACA | eaca.eu |
Austria | Professional Association of Advertising and Marketing Communication Industry, Federal Economic Chamber of Austria | wko.at |
Belgium | Association of Communication Companies (ACC) | accbelgium.be |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Association of Communications Agencies (BACA) | baca.bg |
Croatia | Croatian Association of Communications Agencies (HURA) | hura.hr |
Cyprus | Cyprus Communication Agencies Association (SDEK) | sdek.com.cy |
Czech Republic | Asociace Kominikacnich Agentur (AKA) | aka.cz |
Denmark | Kreativitet & Kommunikation | kreakom.dk |
Finland | Marketing Finland (MF) | marketingfinland.fi |
France | Association des Agences-Conseils en Communication (AACC) | aacc.fr |
Georgia | Georgian Association of Communication Agencies (ACAG) | acag.ge |
Greece | Hellenic Association of Communications Agencies (HACA) | edee.gr |
Ireland | Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI) | iapi.ie |
Italy | Aziende della Comunicazione Unite (UNA) | uncacom.it |
Latvia | Latvijas Reklamas Association (LRA) | lra.lv |
Luxembourg | Confederation Luxembourgeoise du Commerce (MarkCom) | markcom.lu |
Netherlands | VIA Nederland | vianederland.nl |
Norway | Creative Forum – the Association for Creative Commercial Communication (KF) | kreativtforum.no |
Poland | Stowarzyszenie Komunikacji Marketingowej (SAR) | sar.org.pl |
Portugal | Assoçiação Portuguesa das Empresas de Publicidade e Comunição (APAP) | apap.co.pt |
Romania | Uniunea Agentiilor de Publicitate din Romania (UAPR) | uapr.ro |
Slovakia | Klub reklamnych agentur Slovenska (KRAS) | kras.sk |
Slovenia | Slovenska Oglaševalska Zbornica (SOZ) | soz.si |
Sweden | Sveriges Kommuniationsbyraer (Kom!) | komm.se |
Turkey | Reklamcılar Derneği | rd.org.tr |
UK | Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) | ipa.co.uk |
Ukraine | All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (VRK) | vrk.org.ua |